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Mature Fingers
Learn guitar, ukulele, and keyboard in one place
Music theory classes online

The Mature Fingers (mf) Course is designed for the beginner performer  providing
a comprehensive introduction to music performance.

The Mature Fingers (mf) Course is founded on the belief that every student have tendency
of music & performance. Student will learn foundational performance skills that encourage independence, creativity and self-expression to be a music performer. Student will learn how to perform on keyboard/piano (Principle & Secondary Instrument) as both a soloist, utilizing musical skills that enable them to play in a variety of keys and styles.

The Mature Fingers (mf) Course lays the foundation for a lifetime of enjoyable performance skill through a carefully planned curriculum and approach. Enhance their ability to become
professional performer & session musician.

music composers

Classical to Modern

The beauty of The Mature finger course is a wide range of pieces from different era. Student plays Baroque to Bryan Adams, Classical era to The Carpenters and Romantic to Ronan Keating


Repertoire is the key of your progress

The development of your musical personality is based on what you play. Our repertoire list is different from student to student. It reflects our students musical personality.


Around the World

Playing different genres shows the versatility of the musicians. Students of Mature Fingers course has to play all genres form folk & country music to jazz



Students have to prepare their assignments on various topics of music.

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